We need your assistance. The summer of 2024 brought a renovation project to Woodland in the form of updating our Multipurpose Room. In doing so, we covered up the old cafeteria tables with blank white walls. The vision for these walls is to create a collage of photos from the 1950s Woodland up to present day. Acquiring and selecting these photos will be no small task, and that is why we need your help.
Some ways to help:
1) If you have photo(s)
a. Bring them to Woodland’s district office with your name and a phone number on the envelope, so we can scan the pictures into the database we are creating
b. Scan the photo at your house, and send it to the email address listed below
2) You know of a photo which would be perfect, but you do NOT have it
a. Email us at the address below to instruct us where to look for the photo (hopefully, it’s in a yearbook we have in the vault) or on the wall
3) Discuss with classmates, alumni, community members, etc. what “This is Woodland” and provide examples/ideas for pictures that best describe Woodland, and choose one person to email us with the ideas.
Our goal for this community activity is to develop resources and pictures throughout the month of October. The creation of the collage will begin in November and, hopefully, installation will begin in December.
As always, we invite you to see our beautifully renovated Multipurpose Room when time allows in your schedule. Come to an event, an athletic contest, or just stop in the high school office to take a look. We would love to have you!
With Warrior Pride,
Dr. Ryan McGuckin
Woodland CUSD #5
Please send all communications, pictures, and ideas to the following address below:
[email protected]